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Eid al-Adha 2024, the Feast of Sacrifice

What is Eid al-Adha? This festivity, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is an important Islamic celebration that commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience and submission to God’s command. It is a time of generosity, charity, and community strengthening, as Muslims gather in mosques for prayers... Show more

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Eid al-Adha designs: a feast for the eyes


Eid al-Adha symbols: exploring a tradition about sacrifice and compassion

Eid al-Adha Color Palette

  • HEX rgb(1, 58, 64)
  • RGB rgb(1, 58, 64)
  • CMYK rgb(1, 58, 64)
  • HSL rgb(1, 58, 64)
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A touch of Midnight Green: the color of Islam

The color Midnight Green is a special part of Eid al-Adha celebrations because it symbolizes the beauty of Islam and its teachings. It speaks to the humility and piety of the Muslim people, who approach their faith with reverence. When combined with other colors in a palette, it provides an aura of warmth, peace, joy, and security that is so important to this special holiday. Midnight Green can be related to the Quran in several ways, too. Firstly, the color green is mentioned several times in the Quran as a symbol of growth and prosperity. Moreover, in Islamic art, green is often used to depict paradise and the blessings that Allah provides to his followers. Midnight green can be related to the Quran in several ways too. Firstly, the color green is mentioned several times in the Quran as a symbol of growth and prosperity. Moreover, in Islamic art, green is often used to depict paradise and the blessings that Allah provides to his followers.

  • HEX rgb(47, 138, 122)
  • RGB rgb(47, 138, 122)
  • CMYK rgb(47, 138, 122)
  • HSL rgb(47, 138, 122)
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The elegance of Eid al-Adha: vibrant viridian

Eid al-Adha is an important Islamic holiday celebrated by Muslims around the world. It is a time of joy, reverence and blessings — and of course vibrant colors. One color in particular that is often used in decorations and apparel for this special occasion is the delightful shade of viridian. It is a light to medium shade of green, with rich depth and subtle undertones that bring a touch of elegance. It’s perfect for any celebration, as it adds a bit of glamor and sophistication to any look. And for the Muslim community, viridian is an especially fitting color to adorn during this sacred holiday.

  • HEX rgb(252, 231, 206)
  • RGB rgb(252, 231, 206)
  • CMYK rgb(252, 231, 206)
  • HSL rgb(252, 231, 206)
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The glistening beauty of a luxurious color: champagne

Eid al-Adha is a festival of joy and thanksgiving that brings families together in celebration. As part of the festivities, decorating with hues from a special palette can add to the atmosphere of unity and faith. The color champagne is an integral part of this palette, bringing with it a glimmer of light and a sparkle that symbolizes the joyous occasion. It is a color that perfectly complements other hues traditionally associated with Eid al-Adha, including ochre and different shades of green. This color is often used to convey a sense of luxury and refinement, as well as being associated with the offerings of thanks and gratitude to Allah. It represents wealth and affluence while also being a reminder of the spiritual essence of Islam.

  • HEX rgb(242, 166, 73)
  • RGB rgb(242, 166, 73)
  • CMYK rgb(242, 166, 73)
  • HSL rgb(242, 166, 73)
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Earth yellow: Eid al-Adha’s color of faith

Earth yellow is the perfect hue to express faith, and Muslims across the world use it to celebrate Eid al-Adha each year. The color is meant to symbolize the Quran and its teachings, which emphasize the importance of community, peace, and love. The yellow of the earth is also a reminder of our connection with nature, and it represents the hope for a better tomorrow. When used in Eid al-Adha decorations, earth yellow reminds us of the spiritual and moral values that Muslims share. As we come together to celebrate this special holiday, let us remember to embrace one another’s differences and use earth yellow to express faith in the divine.

  • HEX rgb(210, 118, 17)
  • RGB rgb(210, 118, 17)
  • CMYK rgb(210, 118, 17)
  • HSL rgb(210, 118, 17)
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Exploring the color ochre in Islamic art and symbolism

The color ochre has had a long relationship with Islamic art and culture. It’s a popular color choice for celebrations of Eid al-Adha, the annual Muslim festival which takes place during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar. Ochre’s warm and earthy hue is often used symbolically to represent life and spiritual renewal and has a long history in the Islamic faith. In traditional art, ochre is used to depict landscapes, portraits, and vegetation, giving a sense of warmth and vibrancy to Islamic designs. Ochre also has strong symbolic associations, with the color often used to represent the concept of faith and hope. As such, it has become a popular choice for religious festivals.


Eid al-Adha history: a timeless tradition of sacrifice and devotion

Why is Eid al-Adha celebrated? It is one of the most important festivals in the Islamic calendar, celebrated by millions of Muslims worldwide. With a rich tradition spanning thousands of years, this holiday commemorates the history of Prophet Ibrahim’s willing sacrifice. During Eid al-Adha, Muslims gather in mosques to perform special prayers and exchange greetings and food with family and friends. They also observe the traditional practice of sacrificing livestock, such as sheep or lambs, as a symbol of their commitment to God’s will. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the historical milestones that have shaped Eid al-Adha into the beloved and enduring tradition it is today.

The Patriarchal age

The birth of Ibrahim

One of the most important Islamic prophets

Prophet Ibrahim, or Abraham, is a pivotal figure in Islamic history and the establishment of Eid al-Adha. According to the Islamic tradition, Ibrahim was born to a noble family in ancient Mesopotamia, in what is now modern-day Iraq. From an early age, he demonstrated a strong devotion to God and a willingness to obey His commands. Ibrahim’s unwavering faith was tested when God commanded him to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Ibrahim prepared to carry out the sacrifice, but at the last moment, God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice instead. This event is commemorated by Muslims around the world during Eid al-Adha, which marks Ibrahim’s willingness to submit to God’s will and his faith in God’s mercy.

The Patriarchal age

Stoning of the Devil

The story of Ibrahim and Iblis

When Prophet Ibrahim was preparing to sacrifice his son Ishmael, Satan (also known as Iblis) appeared to him and tried to dissuade him from following God’s command. But Ibrahim remained steadfast in his faith and threw stones at Satan to drive him away. The stoning of the Devil, also known as the “stoning of the pillars,” is re-enacted during the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca as a symbol of this event. This story illustrates the importance of resisting temptation and staying true to one’s beliefs, even in the face of adversity. It also highlights the significance of sacrifice and obedience to God’s commands, which are key themes of Eid al-Adha.

570 A.D.

The rise of Islam

The birth of the last and most important prophet, Muhammad

In 570 CE, in the bustling city of Mecca, now situated in modern-day Saudi Arabia, a child was born to change history—Prophet Muhammad. This marked an auspicious beginning for one destined to become a beloved and revered religious figure across millions worldwide. Prophet Muhammad, being the final and most important Messenger of Allah, was the ultimate example of devotion and piety. He emphasized the importance of Eid al-Adha and instructed Muslims to participate in the rituals associated with it. These include the sacrifice of a halal animal, usually a goat or a sheep, and the distribution of the meat to those in need.


The first Hajj pilgrimage

An early Muslim tradition

The Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, is a revered tradition that dates back to the time of Ibrahim. It’s said that God commanded the Prophet to leave his son Ishmael and his wife Sara in the desert of Mecca. When they ran out of water, Ibrahim prayed to God, and a spring miraculously appeared. Being a sacred place, he was then commanded by God to build a temple in the area which we now know today as the Kaaba. The first Hajj took place when the Prophet Muhammad made his pilgrimage to Mecca with hundreds of his followers in 630 AD. This Hajj was a reenactment of the journey once taken by Ibrahim and Ishmael. As part of their pilgrimage, they would run between two hills named Safa and Marwa seven times, symbolizing Ibrahim’s search for water for his son. The Hajj is often associated with the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice). This festival marks the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage and celebrates Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God. During Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate the story by sacrificing a lamb and distributing its meat among family, friends, and the poor. This is a reminder to be generous and humble in spirit like Ibrahim was.


Celebrations of Eid al-Adha around the world: feasting, festivities, and faith

Eid-al-Adha, the Festival Sacrifice, is an eagerly awaited event celebrated by Muslims worldwide. But how is Eid al-Adha celebrated? It is a time of prayer, generosity, and unity as families and friends gather to sacrifice animals, share traditional delicacies, and participate in communal prayers and acts of charity. While the celebrations may vary from country to country, the spirit of generosity, compassion, and gratitude is the same. Join us as we take a closer look at how Eid al-Adha is celebrated in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and the USA, and discover the unique customs and rituals that make this festival so special.

Eid al-Adha in Saudi Arabia: a celebration of faith, tradition, and generosity

Eid al-Adha in Saudi Arabia lasts three days and marks the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. All shops and businesses close so everyone can participate in the festivities without interruption. People often show their devotion to God by sacrificing an animal, such as a sheep or goat, in accordance with Islamic teachings, but this is not the only tradition. At sunrise on the first day, people go out to perform Eid prayers, which usually last about 10 to 15 minutes. After prayers are finished, families get ready in their best festive clothes and start visiting each other’s homes to exchange gifts and wishes of joy. It’s a great opportunity to catch up with friends and family members, as well as partake in acts of charity. People also take part in the traditional exchange of sweets and desserts—an indispensable part of Eid celebrations. All in all, Eid al-Adha is a time for joy in Saudi Arabia, where people come together to enjoy the festivities.

Celebrating Eid al-Adha in Egypt: meat, fatta, and traditional clothing

Celebrating Eid al Adha in Egypt is an auspicious occasion. As a tradition, people start the day by eating a large breakfast of fatta (rice with tomato sauce and bread) covered with meat cubes and cooked onion. This meal is usually shared amongst family members and friends to emphasize the spirit of togetherness and joyfulness that comes with the holiday. To add more merriment to the celebrations, one of the main activities for this holiday is distributing meat. Many families slaughter animals such as sheep, goats, cows, or camels according to their financial capabilities, then share portions of it with their close relatives and neighbors. Eid al-Adha also marks an opportunity for Egyptians to wear their finest traditional clothing as a sign of pride and respect for the occasion. Men usually wear simple galabeyas (traditional garments), while women often adorn themselves with long, colorful dresses, scarves, and gold jewelry. Socializing is also an integral part of celebrating Eid al-Adha in Egypt. This is done not only to show their thankfulness to God but also to strengthen their relationships with each other during the celebration. Thus, Eid al-Adha in Egypt is a memorable event filled with delicious food, cultural activities, and social gatherings.

Celebrating Eid al-Adha in Turkey: family gatherings and prayers

Before the festival begins, families purchase a sacrificial animal, usually a goat or a sheep, which is then slaughtered on the first day of Eid al-Adha. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: one-third for the family, one-third for friends and relatives, and one-third for those in need. On the first day of the celebration, people dress up in new clothes and attend the Eid prayer, usually held in large mosques or open-air prayer grounds. After the prayer, people exchange greetings and embrace each other, wishing each other “Eid Mubarak” (Blessed Eid). Families also gather for a festive meal, which usually includes meat from the sacrificed animal. Special Eid sweets, such as baklava, Turkish delight, and halva, are also prepared and shared with family and friends. During the four days of the festival, many people take time off from work or school to spend time with their families, visit relatives and friends, and participate in other festive activities.

Eid al-Adha in the United States

Eid al-Adha is celebrated in the United States with much enthusiasm and joy. The morning of Eid begins with a special prayer, usually performed at mosques or Islamic centers. After the prayer, families gather for a day of celebration that typically includes a lavish meal and fun activities. The US president also sends out greetings on this holiday each year: last year, President Biden sent out best wishes for happiness and prosperity on Eid al-Adha, asking all Americans to join him in creating a world filled with love and hope. In the United States, sacrificing animals at home to celebrate Eid al-Adha is not common. Instead, people often donate money to charities to help those in need during this time. This has become an especially important tradition over the years as it allows Muslims in the US to share their blessings with others less fortunate than them. Overall, the celebration of Eid al-Adha in the United States is full of joy and unity. It is a special time to come together as a community and share blessings with those who are less fortunate.